The Penn II Risk Model
What is the Penn II Model?
Instructions for use
  1. Family history of cancer should be restricted to first-, second- and third-degree relatives.
  2. A single lineage in the family should be used. If there is cancer history on both maternal and paternal sides of the family, then each side of the family should be evaluated separately.
  3. Since this model depends on the accuracy of the family history, attempts should be made to confirm cancer with pathology reports, especially for cases of ovarian cancer.
  4. Further information can be found by moving the cursor over the icon.
Part A. Select the side of the family being evaluated: Maternal Paternal
Part B. Please provide the following information:
  1. Presence of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish ancestry in the family? no yes
  2. Number of women in the family diagnosed with both breast and ovarian cancer?  (0-100)
  3. Number of women in the family diagnosed with ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer (in the absence of breast cancer)?    (0-100)
  4. Number of breast cancer cases in the family diagnosed in women under the age of 50?  (0-100)
  5. What is the age of the youngest breast cancer diagnosis in the family?    (18-130)
  6. Presence of mother-daughter breast cancer diagnoses in the family? no yes
  7. How many women with bilateral breast cancer in the family?
(Note: Count women with cancer in both breasts, not two primaries in one breast.)
  8. Number of men diagnosed with breast cancer in the family?    (0-100)
  9. Presence of pancreatic cancer in the family?   no yes
  10. Number of men diagnosed with prostate cancer in the family?    (0-100)
Part C. Closest relative with breast or ovarian Cancer:
Part D. Patient Information (Optional - For use on printable report only):
  1. Patient's first name
  2. Patient's last name
  3. Patient's age
  4. Clinic location